Start A Part-Time Business
The most common route for most people to take after graduation from college is to look for a job. Very few people make up their minds from the onset to go into business for themselves. Majority shy away from business for many varied reasons even though it never occurs to them that paid employment is actually work for someone who is running his or her own business. Even when you work as an employee, it is not always possible from the outside to find and get work in the right environment. By the right environment, I mean one where your employer enables you to find fulfillment in working there. Unfortunately, only very few organizations are able to do this for their staff and that is why there is so much dissatisfaction in the work place environment. Some organizations believe they are doing their staff a favour with the employment offer and so believe employees should be contented with earning their pay and should never have a reason to be dissatisfied. Such organizations are simply...